Sorting on two dimensional processor arrays

Sorting algorithm of Schnorr and Shamir

The algorithm 3n-sort of Schnorr and Shamir [SchSh 86] is more complicated than e.g. rotatesort or 4-way mergesort. However, with a time complexity of 3n + o(n) it is optimal, since 3n is a lower bound for sorting on a two-dimensional processor array.


The n×n-array is decomposed into vertical slices, horizontal slices, and blocks. A vertical slice is an n×n3/4-subarray, a horizontal slice is an n3/4×n-subarray, and a block is an n3/4×n3/4-subarray (Figure 1).


vertical slices horizontal slices blocks 

Figure 1: Vertical slices (a), horizontal slices (b) and blocks (c)


The entire array as well as subarrays (blocks, slices) are sorted in snake-like order.

The algorithm of Schnorr/Shamir uses the following operation unshuffle.


A k-way unshuffle operation is a permutation that corresponds to dealing n cards to k players (k is a divisor of n).

Example:  Permutation 4-way unshuffle of the numbers 0, ..., 11

 0 1 2  3 4 5  6 7 8  91011
 0 4 8  1 5 9  2 610  3 711

Player 1 receives cards 0, 4 and 8, player 2 receives cards 1, 5 and 9 etc.

In algorithm 3n-sort an n1/4-way unshuffle of the elements of the rows is performed.


Algorithm 3n-sort


unsorted n×n-array of data


the sorted n×n-array


  1. sort the blocks;
  2. n1/4-way unshuffle along the rows;
  3. sort the blocks;
  4. sort the columns;
  5. sort the vertical slices;
  6. sort the rows in alternating direction;
  7. apply n3/4 steps of odd-even transposition sort to the snake;


Sorting in alternating direction means to sort each row i with i even into ascending order, and each row i with i odd into descending order (i ∈ {0, ..., n-1}).


The correctness of 3n-sort is shown again (in a slightly different way as in [SchSh 86]) using the 0-1-principle. In the following figures zeroes are drawn white and ones gray.

Definition:  A row is called clean, if it consists of zeroes or ones only, otherwise it is called dirty. A dirty row in a sorted array is called incomplete.

Definition:  The number of ones in an r × s-subarray is called the weight of the subarray.

In particular, this definition refers to columns and blocks.

Definition:  A maximal connected region along the sorting order that starts with a one and ends with a zero is called an unsorted zone.

A sequence containing an unsorted zone starts with some 0's, then comes a mix of 1's and 0's, and then may come 1's.

Step 1

After sorting the blocks each block has at most one incomplete row (Figure 2a).

Step 2

The operation n1/4-way unshuffle distributes the columns of a block to all n1/4 blocks of the same horizontal slice in a round-robin way. If a block has an incomplete row, some blocks receive a one more from this block than others. Altogether, a block can receive at most n1/4 ones more than any other, i.e. the weights of any two blocks in a horizontal slice can differ by at most n1/4 (Figure 2b).

Step 3

After sorting the blocks again each block contains at most one incomplete row (Figure 2c).


Figure 2: Situations during the execution of the algorithm 

Figure 2: Situations during the execution of the algorithm


Step 4

After sorting the columns each vertical slice has at most n1/4 dirty rows (the incomplete rows of its n1/4 blocks).

Moreover, the weights of any two vertical slices differ by at most n1/4 · n1/4  =  n1/2 (Figure 2d).

Step 5

After sorting the vertical slices all vertical slices have almost the same number of complete 1-rows: the difference can be at most 1. Since vertical slices have a width of n3/4, a weight difference of n1/2 can contribute to at most one additional complete 1-row.

The region of length n1/2 on the snake in each vertical slice that can contain these additional ones is called the critical region (drawn in red in Figure 3a, not in correct scale).


critical regions before step 6 critical regions after step 6 

Figure 3: Critical regions in vertical slices (a) before Step 6 and (b) after Step 6


In the entire array there are at most 2 dirty rows (Figure 2e).

Step 6

In Step 6 the two last dirty rows are sorted in alternating direction. Possibly still unsorted are the at most n1/4 · n1/2  =  n3/4 elements from the critical regions (Figure 3b / Figure 2f). These elements form an unsorted zone of length at most n3/4.

Step 7

In Step 7 the unsorted zone of length at most n3/4 is sorted according to the snake.


Due to the 0-1-principle, the algorithm sorts every arbitrary data, because it sorts all 0-1-sequences.


An analysis of the algorithm yields the following:

Step 1: sorting the blocks O(n3/4)
Step 2: unshuffle along the rows n
Step 3: sorting the blocks O(n3/4)
Step 4: sorting the columns n
Step 5: sorting the vertical slices O(n3/4)
Step 6: sorting the rows in alternating direction n
Step 7: n3/4 steps of odd-even transposition sort O(n3/4) 
altogether:  3n + O(n3/4)

The blocks can be sorted using any linear sorting algorithm, e.g. 4-way mergesort.

In Step 5, the vertical slices can be sorted in time O(n3/4), because they contain a region of only n1/4 dirty rows (e.g. by sorting the blocks and subsequently sorting the blocks vertically overlapping by n1/4 rows).


The algorithm 3n-sort of Schnorr/Shamir for sorting an n×n-array has a time complexity of 3n + O(n3/4). It is asymptotically optimal as well as regarding the constant, since 3n is a lower bound for sorting on an n×n-array. The algorithm of Schnorr/Shamir is simpler than the algorithm of Thompson/Kung [TK 77] which is also optimal with a time complexity of 3n + O(n2/3·log(n)).


[SchSh 86]   C.P. Schnorr, A. Shamir: An Optimal Sorting Algorithm for Mesh-Connected Computers. Proc. of the 18th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 255-261 (1986)

[TK 77]   C.D. Thompson, H.T. Kung: Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Parallel Computer. Communications of the ACM, 20, 4, 263-271 (1977)


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H.W. Lang   Impressum   Datenschutz
Created: 23.05.2001   Updated: 07.02.2023