An indispensable tool for the proof of correctness of sorting networks is the 0-1-principle [Knu 73]. The 0-1-principle states the following:
Theorem: (0-1-principle)
If a sorting network sorts every sequence of 0's and 1's, then it sorts every arbitrary sequence of values.
The proof of the 0-1-principle is not very difficult. However, it is quite helpful to have some definitions and lemmas ready.
Definition: Let A and B be ordered sets. A mapping f : A → B is called monotonic if for all a1, a2 ∈ A
a1 ≤ a2 ⇒ f(a1) ≤ f(a2)
Lemma: Let f : A → B be a monotonic mapping. Then the following holds for all a1, a2 ∈ A :
f(min(a1, a2)) = min(f(a1), f(a2))
Proof: Let a1 ≤ a2 and thus f(a1) ≤ f(a2). Then
min(a1, a2) = a1 and min(f(a1), f(a2)) = f(a1)
This implies
f(min(a1, a2)) = f(a1) = min(f(a1), f(a2))
Similarly, if a2 ≤ a1 and therefore f(a2) ≤ f(a1), we have
f(min(a1, a2)) = f(a2) = min(f(a1), f(a2))
An analogous property holds for the max-function.
Definition: Let f : A → B be a mapping. The extension of f to finite sequences a = a0, ..., an-1, ai ∈ A is defined as follows:
f(a0, ..., an-1) = f(a0), ..., f(an-1) , i.e.
f(a)i = f(ai)
Lemma: Let f be a monotonic mapping and N a comparator network. Then N and f commutate, i.e. for every finite sequence a = a0, ..., an-1 the following holds:
N(f(a)) = f(N(a))
In other words: a monotonic mapping f can be applied to the input sequence of comparator network N or to the output sequence, the result is the same.
Proof: For a single comparator [i:j] the following holds (see definition of comparator):
[i:j](f(a))i = [i:j](f(a0), ..., f(an-1))i = min(f(ai), f(aj))
= f(min(ai, aj)) = f([i:j](a)i) = f([i:j](a))i
This means that the ith element is the same regardless of the order of application of f and [i:j]. The same can be shown for the jth element and for all other elements. Therefore
[i:j](f(a)) = f([i:j](a))
For an arbitrary comparator network N (which is a composition of comparators) and a monotonic mapping f we have therefore
N(f(a)) = f(N(a))
Theorem: (0-1-principle)
Let N be a comparator network. If every 0-1-sequence is sorted by N, then every arbitrary sequence is sorted by N.
Proof: Suppose a with ai ∈ A is an arbitrary sequence which is not sorted by N. This means N(a) = b is unsorted, i.e. there is a position k such that bk > bk+1.
Now define a mapping f : A → {0, 1} as follows. For all c ∈ A let
f(c) = | ![]() |
Obviously, f is monotonic. Moreover we have:
f(bk) = 1 and f(bk+1) = 0
i.e. f(b) = f(N(a)) is unsorted.
This means that N(f(a)) is unsorted or, in other words, that the 0-1-sequence f(a) is not sorted by the comparator network N.
We have shown that, if there is an arbitrary sequence a that is not sorted by N, then there is a 0-1-sequence f(a) that is not sorted by N.
Equivalently, if there is no 0-1-sequence that is not sorted by N, then there can be no sequence a whatsoever that is not sorted by N.
Equivalently again, if all 0-1-sequences are sorted by N, then all arbitrary sequences are sorted by N.
[Knu 73] D.E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3 - Sorting and Searching. Addison-Wesley (1973)